Scientific Collaboration

Institute for Operations Resarch und Computational Finance (ior/cf) University of St. Gallen

The scientific foundation of our methods goes back to our collaboration with the ior/cf. The ior/cf is leading in research and development of stochastic optimization and simulation models for the energy and finance industry.

Risk Analysis and Optimization Chair at the EPFL Lausanne

A further scientific cooperration is established with the Risk Analytics and Optimization Chair (RAO) at the EPFL Lausanne, headed by Prof. Dr. Daniel Kuhn.

Prof. Dr. Kuhn is an internationally reknown expert in mathematical and stochastic optimization. He has more than 15 years of experience in scientific Research at top Tier universities such as the Universtiy of St.Gallen, the Universtiy of California in Berkley and the Imperial College in London.